Save Google OAuth2 token in database with Spring Boot

Save Google OAuth2 token in database  with Spring Boot

Following this official document from Google:

When integrating Google OAuth 2.0 with your Spring Boot application, the official documentation provides a comprehensive guide to leverage the GoogleCredential utility class for seamless and secure authorization. OAuth 2.0 is the industry standard for granting access to protected resources, and Google’s implementation is tailored to support various application types, ensuring flexibility across client environments.

Why OAuth 2.0 Matters

Imagine you’re building a task management application that needs to interact with a user’s Google Tasks data. OAuth 2.0 allows your app to request access only to the necessary data (e.g., “Manage your tasks”) while ensuring that the user maintains control over their privacy. The process generates an access token, which is a digital key tied specifically to your application and the user’s data. This token is scoped, meaning it limits the type and extent of access granted, thereby enhancing security. For instance, even if the token were somehow exposed, it couldn’t be used to access unrelated data like emails or photos.

Built on a Secure Foundation

The Google API Client Library for Java includes robust OAuth 2.0 packages such as:

  • Core classes for implementing OAuth 2.0 flows.
  • Specialized extensions for applications hosted on Google App Engine.

These packages are built on the Google OAuth 2.0 Client Library for Java, a general-purpose library offering standardized utilities to handle token acquisition, refresh, and expiration seamlessly.

A Real-World Perspective

Consider an example where a SaaS platform integrates with Google Drive to allow users to upload documents directly from their accounts. With OAuth 2.0, users authenticate their Google accounts through a secure flow, and the platform receives an access token to interact with Google Drive APIs. Instead of continuously requesting sensitive credentials, the platform uses this token to upload or retrieve files, keeping user data secure and operations streamlined.

By utilizing the detailed guidelines in Google’s documentation, you can ensure that your Spring Boot application adheres to best practices for secure OAuth 2.0 integration, offering a smooth user experience while protecting sensitive information.

Acquiring the Client Secret File

To begin integrating Google OAuth 2.0 into your application, the first crucial step is setting up a project on the Google API Console. This console serves as the central hub for managing authorization credentials, configuring API access, and ensuring proper billing setup. Whether your application runs on a web server, mobile device, desktop client, or directly in a browser, this setup process is essential.

Setting Up Credentials

Navigate to the Google API Console and create a new project. Once the project is set up, you can enable the desired APIs and generate the OAuth 2.0 client credentials, which include:

  • Client ID: Uniquely identifies your application during the authorization process.
  • Client Secret: A sensitive key used to authenticate your application, ensuring secure communication with Google’s servers.
  • Redirect URIs: Specify where Google will send users after they complete the authorization flow.

For detailed guidance on configuring these elements, refer to the API Console Help.

Setup a Authorization code flow

Use the authorization code flow to allow the end-user to grant your application access to their protected data on Google APIs. The protocol for this flow is specified in Authorization Code Grant.

This flow is implemented using GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow. The steps are:

Code implementation is like this

image - PTIT
Save Google OAuth2 token in database with Spring Boot 13

Understanding the DataStoreFactory in GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder

When constructing a GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow object, one of the essential components is the DataStoreFactory. This factory is responsible for persisting user credentials securely and efficiently. Google provides three types of built-in implementations, each suited for different use cases:

Implementing a Custom Data Store to Persist Tokens in a Database

To persist OAuth2 tokens in a database, we need to create a custom implementation of the DataStoreFactory and DataStore classes provided by Google’s OAuth2 library. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Create a Custom DataStoreFactory

The custom factory is responsible for creating instances of your DataStore. Extend AbstractDataStoreFactory to implement this logic.



public class DatabaseDataStoreFactory extends AbstractDataStoreFactory {

    private TokenDatabaseRepository tokenDatabaseRepository;

    public DatabaseDataStoreFactory(TokenDatabaseRepository tokenDatabaseRepository) {
        this.tokenDatabaseRepository = tokenDatabaseRepository;

    protected <V extends Serializable> DataStore<V> createDataStore(String id) throws IOException {
        return new DatabaseDataStore<>(this, id, tokenDatabaseRepository);

Step 2: Implement the Custom DataStore

This class handles token persistence logic. Extend AbstractDataStore and implement the required methods like set(), get(), delete(), etc.


import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;

public class DatabaseDataStore<V extends Serializable> extends AbstractDataStore<V> {

    private final TokenDatabaseRepository<V> tokenDatabaseRepository;

    protected DatabaseDataStore(DataStoreFactory dataStoreFactory, String id, TokenDatabaseRepository<V> tokenDatabaseRepository) {
        super(dataStoreFactory, id);
        this.tokenDatabaseRepository = tokenDatabaseRepository;

    public int size() throws IOException {
        return tokenDatabaseRepository.size();

    public boolean isEmpty() throws IOException {
        return tokenDatabaseRepository.isEmpty();

    public boolean containsKey(String key) {
        return tokenDatabaseRepository.containsKey(key);

    public boolean containsValue(V value) {
        return tokenDatabaseRepository.containsValue(value);

    public Set<String> keySet() throws IOException {
        return tokenDatabaseRepository.keySet();

    public Collection<V> values() throws IOException {
        return tokenDatabaseRepository.values();

    public V get(String key) throws IOException {
        return tokenDatabaseRepository.get(key);

    public DataStore<V> set(String key, V value) throws IOException {
        tokenDatabaseRepository.set(key, value);
        return this;

    public DataStore<V> clear() {
        return this;

    public DataStore<V> delete(String key) throws IOException {
        return this;

Step 3: Create the TokenRepository Interface

Leverage Spring Data JPA to handle database interactions.

public interface TokenDatabaseRepository<V> {
    int size();

    boolean isEmpty();

    boolean containsKey(String key);

    boolean containsValue(V value);

    Set<String> keySet();

    Collection<V> values();

    V get(String key);

    TokenDatabaseRepository<V> set(String key, V value);

    TokenDatabaseRepository<V> clear();

    void delete(String key);

public class TokenDatabaseRepositoryImpl implements TokenDatabaseRepository<StoredCredential> {

    private final TokenRepositorySql tokenRepositorySql;
    private final GoogleAuthItemMapper googleAuthItemMapper;

    public int size() {
        return (int) tokenRepositorySql.count();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return tokenRepositorySql.count() == 0;

    public boolean containsKey(String key) {
        return tokenRepositorySql.existsByKey(key);

    public boolean containsValue(StoredCredential value) {
        var googleAuthItem = googleAuthItemMapper.from(value);
        return tokenRepositorySql.existsByAccessTokenAndRefreshToken(googleAuthItem.getAccessToken(), googleAuthItem.getRefreshToken());

    public Set<String> keySet() {
        return tokenRepositorySql.findAll().stream()

    public Collection<StoredCredential> values() {
        return tokenRepositorySql.findAll().stream()

    public StoredCredential get(String key) {
        Optional<GoogleAuthItem> optionalGoogleAuthItem = tokenRepositorySql.findById(key);

    public TokenDatabaseRepository<StoredCredential> set(String key, StoredCredential value) {
        var googleAuthItem = googleAuthItemMapper.from(value);
        return this;

    public TokenDatabaseRepository<StoredCredential> clear() {
        return this;

    public void delete(String key) {
public interface TokenRepositorySql extends JpaRepository<GoogleAuthItem, String> {

    boolean existsByKey(String key);

    boolean existsByAccessTokenAndRefreshToken(String accessToken, String refreshToken);

    void deleteByKey(String key);



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